The River Thurne Tenants Association (RTTA)

Protecting the interests of riverside property owners since 1948

Refuse collecting and cesspit emptying

Refuse collection

Refuse services are arranged by TBMC and outsourced to RDS (River and Domestic Service).

If you need domestic rubbish taken you should display your R sign where it can be seen clearly from the river. If you need your septic tank/cess pit emptied then you should display your E sign.

Please ensure that the refuse collection boat Louise can access your plot. Keep-nets in the water, fishing rods out and boats moored in the centre of your plot's river frontage will mean that Louise may not have room to moor to service your bungalow.

Please ensure that all of your visitors and all of your hirers understand the above requirements for domestic refuse collection.

Summer schedule

Cesspit pump-outs are done on MONDAYS and THURSDAYS each week from Easter until the last week in October. Domestic refuse is collected on THURSDAYS.

Winter schedule

Cesspit pump-outs and domestic waste collection THURSDAYS ONLY.

Please note that RDS are not permitted to collect garden waste, DIY waste, builder’s waste, batteries, white goods etc.

Domestic refuse should be bagged in the polybags provided by RDS, tied and ready for collection from your bin. Please do not leave full bags on your plot frontage where they can be pulled open by gulls, rooks and rats.

If you have non-domestic refuse for collection from your riverside property, RDS is an Environment Agency licensed waste carrier and is happy to dispose of your non-domestic refuse by private arrangement with you. Please call Phil (RDS) on 07780 356 315.

Emergency pumpouts

The current variable rate tariff for out-of-hours cesspit emptying (subject to review):

Emergency out-of-hours cesspit pump-out conducted any weekday 0900h to 1700h......£100.00

Emergency out-of-hours cesspit pump-out conducted Saturday 0900h to 1700h......£150.00

Emergency out-of-hours cesspit pump--out conducted Sunday 0900h to 1700h........£200.00

Please note that no out-of-hours cesspit pump-out service will be available outside normal working hours (0900h to 1700h) on any day.

These charges will be invoiced by RDS and will be additional to the standard cesspit pump-out charge (currently £48.00 per pump-out) invoiced annually in arrears by TBMC Ltd

Out-of-hours pumpout requests conducted on any Bank Holiday will be charged at the Sunday rate.

Car Parking

Car Parking

RTTA members will know that parking has been a constant problem. Areas giving rise for concern are the lack of public parking facilities at Martham Ferry, Cess Staithe and also in the vicinity of Potter Heigham bridge.

Potter Heigham bridge area

Bridge Car Park Company Limited formed in 2011, purchased sixty-four garage and car parking spaces exclusively for Thurne riverside property owners. A waiting list exists.

For more details please contact BCPC Ltd, Tel 01692 670754.

The Old Bridge Inn Car Park is available again for the 2025 season. Monthly or weekly parking can also be arranged if needed.

To book space in this car park please contact Keith Bacon on 01692 580496.

Potter Car Parks have a car park next to the Nippy Chippy fish and chip shop.

There are vacant spaces as of 2024 at a cost of £365 per annum.

Contact Nick Stone for details; tel - 07930 555925 email -

Cess Staithe, Martham

A Land Registry Adjudication has previously ruled that the parish council have no claim to title.

Cess Staithe and Cess Road are currently the subject of a claim of title by adverse possession submitted by Martham Boat Development Co. Ltd.

Martham Boats rent out spaces in the boat yard car park to riverside property owners.

Martham Ferry

RTTA have not yet been able to establish parking rights in the vicinity of Martham Ferry.

Repps Staithe

Car parking is available by private arrangement of the land owner on a field adjacent to Staithe Road, Repps. Please ask existing tenants parking on this site for contact details of the land owner.

Lease/Planning Information

Lease A properties

RTTA have asked Thurne Bungalows Management Company Ltd to provide guidance to those wishing to buy or sell an A Lease riverside bungalow or mooring plot. The TBMC is happy to support anyone that needs guidance through the link below:

Lease B properties

Approximately 30 properties on the Riverbank are B leases and their lease is held by the Environment Agency. The leaseholders pay their annual ground rent directly to the EA and this is reviewed every 5 years. When the lease is transferred the Environment Agency claims 15% of the current market value of the property.

Freehold properties

The Environment Agency, the freeholder of the riverside plots, has agreed to negotiate with individual Lease B members on all matters concerning the terms and conditions of the tenancy of their plots. Lease B members who require advice or information are advised to contact the RTTA.

Lease Information

Planning Information

Planning Policy

All planning applications are decided solely by the Broads Authority. All planning matters may be reviewed via the broads authority website.

Of particular interest to bungalow owners is the effect that planning policy PPS25 has on development and/or redevelopment of the riverside properties situated on the functioning flood plain.

The RTTA is a consultee for all riverside planning applications. The RTTA's policy is never to comment on members' applications unless it is felt that an undesirable precedent may be about to be set if an application is approved. To date, the RTTA has never objected to any of its members planning applications.


Since the 1960s, all bar six of the bungalows on the North East and North West riverbanks have been connected to a mains drainage system. All waste water from the bungalows is pumped from the North-West riverbank by pumping stations to the main drain. On the North-East riverbank, the sewerage travels by gravity to a single pumping station which pumps it to the main drain in Bridge Road.

Because of our bungalows’ location on the functioning floodplain of the River Thurne, waste outlets to the mains sewerage system should never be of an open gulley type as this enables river water and ground water to enter the sewerage system. This puts extra pressure on the drainage pumps.

During very high tides and if excess amounts of water are allowed to enter the mains drainage system Anglian Water have been known to turn off the pumps. This means that raw sewage will not be pumped away and that toilets on the North river bank will back up and tenants will be unable to flush them. It is vital that surface water from your plot, or from the footpath behind your plot does not enter the mains drainage system at any time. Even a small leak into the drainage system can cause problems.

All riverbank mains drainage systems should be totally and effectively sealed – vented to the air only at the soil vent.

It is important for bungalow owners to regularly check their drainage system to ensure that neither ground water nor flood water is able to enter the main sewers.


Evaluation of Sewerage Options

RTTA member Max Manners has been liaising with Anglian Water re providing drainage services to riverside bungalows on the south bank. You can read Anglian Water's evaluation of sewerage options published in 2018 here. The application was turned down by Anglian Water. Discussion is ongoing, with regular updates on the Facebook page.

Dyke Dredging

Dredging your boat dyke

If your dyke is in use, the water depth in will need to be maintained at some point by using dredging services as it will naturally silt up over time. There is a choice of contractors offering this service, see contact details below.

The price of dredging is likely to be cheaper if several properties 'club together' and the RTTA previously looked into pricing for multiple properties, but the complexities of local bylaws proved too complex to manage this.

Our contact within the Environment Agency has confirmed that some properties may now need permits in order to carry out dredging work, depending on where the property is located. He recommended checking 2 types of EA permits;

1. Waste permits - Dredged silt is classed as waste and therefore regulations apply. However, I expect contractors on the Thurne will be able to work within the conditions of some basic exemptions, check: D1 waste exemption: depositing waste from dredging inland waters - GOV.UK (
2. Flood risk activity permits Work in or near a main river may well be classed as flood risk activities. Dredging/desilting would be one of these. However, again, there are some exemptions that could apply, check: Exempt flood risk activities: environmental permits - GOV.UK (

He goes on to say that one of the key factors is the proximity to designated sites and recommends interested parties to seek advice from our local 'PSO' team, who deal with flood risk activity permits and will be able to help. He says it may be possible for to apply for one permit covering multiple properties. Our local PSO team email is

The contractors themselves should also be able to guide prospective customers as to local policies.

Daniel Bricknell Norfolk Quayheading 01603 784 997

Daniel Roe DRE (Marine and Civils) 07717 672 150

G&H Services 01493 384 093 or 01692 671 929 07979 967 593 or 07795 564 896

Paul Wade. AJS Riverside Maintenance 07471 760258