The River Thurne Tenants Association (RTTA)

Protecting the interests of riverside property owners since 1948

RTTA committee meeting minutes

Committee meeting December 2024

The River Thurne Tenant’s Association Committee Meeting

New Victoria Hall Neatishead NR12 8AD

9th December 2024 at 10.00 pm.

Present: D. Cornell, A. Wright, F. Brown (via Zoom), K. Bacon, H.May, R. Pike, J.Williams, & L.Haywood

In Attendance: M.Pike

DC welcomed everyone to the meeting.

1.0 Apologies: None

2.0 Election of Officers (all unopposed)

a) Chairman - Di Cornell

b) Vice Chairman - Alan Wright

c) Secretary - Fraser Brown

d) Treasurer - Jane Williams

3.0 Minutes 11-10-24 to approve

The Minutes were approved and will be signed by DC when she meets with FB later in the week.

4.0 Matters arising from Minutes 11-10-24 (those not listed as Agenda items)

4.1 Bridge Inn Site:

Callum Sculfor, (Planning Officer) says the original planning permission has never been withdrawn, but that does not necessarily mean the same plans would be approved today. In the absence of any feasible planning approval, the owner is happy for the site to be used as a car park for another year. DC has completed a rates application

4.2 Item 16.2:

Mill View should be added to the recently compiled List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest, which also includes Dutch Tutch, Tower View, The Holt, and the Eel Sett at Candle Dyke.

5.0 Correspondence (FB/DC)

5.1 S101A Outcome document

FB received a redacted version of the recent S101A Decision, as referred to by Max Manners at the AGM. The document came from Clare Williamson, who works for the Environment Agency: Contact Centre Services, which is part of the EA’s Strategy, Transformation & Assurance (STA) section. Tel: 03708 506 506. See Item 12.0 below.

5.2 Newcomers

DC has been contacted by various newcomers to the riverbank for advice on several matters.

5.3 RTTA 2024 AGM Minutes

FB has sent a Draft copy of the AGM Minutes to all Committee Members, and invites comments, amendments, etc.

6.0 Treasurer’s Report (DC/FB)

JW has kindly consented to take on the role of Treasurer

The current balance is £6,059.46 - less £10.00 hall hire still to pay.

The calendars have almost paid for themselves

The End of Season Meal was £4 short, but we are happy to absorb that as we made a small profit on the equivalent meal last year

Agreed: JW, DC, FB to meet to clarify everything – then JW to introduce herself to Barclays Bank

7.0 Meeting Regarding Planning Applications (AW/DC)

Agreed: AW to contact Callum to try to speed things along

8.0 RTTA Website (DC/All)

DC said the new Website is easier to access.

Agreed: DC to contact Keith Hobley to cancel the old Website

9.0 RTTA Facebook Page (DC)

DC reported the Facebook Page has been very quiet lately

The WhatsApp group set up separately by a leaseholder doesn’t seem to be active at the moment.

10.0 Lease Enfranchisement (All)

After discussion, it was agreed that we still don’t have any truly objective details yet. However, FB stated that the EA made it clear in the S101A outcome document that they are going ahead with selling the freeholds to a small number of leaseholders.

11.0 Possibility of Lease B Enfranchisement (RP)

RP wrote to the Environment Agency regarding the situation of B Leaseholders. EA Confirmed it is not possible for B Leaseholders to convert to A Leaseholders. RP is waiting for the initial freeholds to be finalized, before he goes back to EA to inquire about the possibility of purchasing the freehold of a B lease property.

12.0 101A New Sewer Main Application (FB/DC)

FB has received a copy of the document detailing the outcome of Max Manners’ appeal against Anglian Water’s refusal to provide a new sewer main for residents on the south bank. The document was redacted to disguise his name, but he announced it publicly at the recent AGM’s so it is fair to assume that we can refer to him by name.

The document is over 200 pages long. FB has made some initial notes, and suggested we hold over discussion until the next meeting.

Agreed: S101A Appeal document to be circulated to all Committee members for discussion at the next meeting.

13.0 Flooding/Bungalow Sales (DC)

DC reported that there seem to have been a few sales recently, but things have now gone quiet. Some owners have removed their properties from sale. It is not clear why. We probably won’t have a clear picture until next spring.

JW reported that the Environment Agency has extended the sandbags near the Ferry Boatyard.

HW suggested flooding issues at Breydon Water, and the need for dredging at Yarmouth Yacht Station, are causing water to be pushed up the Bure instead of out to sea.

Agreed: to put this item back on the Agenda in the Spring

14.0 Undergrounding Electric Cables, NW Bank update (All)

No updates since the last meeting

15.0 Speeding Boats (RP)

Agreed: RP will draft a letter for the RTTA to contact the hire boat companies at the beginning of the season to ask them to reinforce the speed limit with their customers. We suggest that they draw their customers’ attention to a speeding app.

16.0 Grass Cutting Potter Heigham to Martham Boats (RP)

RP is hoping to persuade Martham Boats to cut the grass all the way to Potter Heigham Bridge. In previous years they have only cut the grass about halfway along.

Agreed: DC will include reference to this in the next Newsletter

17.0 Dog Fouling Signs (RP)

RP reported that warning people about adders seemed to be more effective than dog fouling signs. He suggests we put adder signs on all banks.

Agreed: to revisit this in the Spring

18.0 Calendar Sales (DC)

DC reported that sales are down a bit when compared to last year. Hardly anyone from the Repps bank has bought one this year. AW expressed enthusiasm for a historic theme again next year.

19.0 Names & Addresses of New Owners (DC)

Daniel Trett (TBMC Agent) has promised to put a promotional slip into the package that all new owners receive.

Agreed: DC to develop a draft slip and circulate it to Committee members.

20.0 Members Reports (All)

Herbert Woods Boatyard has a new barrier in place at the entrance to their car park

DC, KB, & HM attended a meeting between the MP and representatives of the Broads Authority, Environment Agency and the Inland Drainage Board.

21.0 Any Other Business (All)

21.1 Herbert Woods has added a layer of granite chippings on the footpath from the Staithe to the footbridge, making it almost impossible for wheelchair users to pass along.

Agreed: to revisit this in the Spring. In the meantime, DC will ask KB for the appropriate contact regarding public footpaths.

21.2 Love the Broads, which was set up by the Broads Authority and the Broads Society, is hoping to set up one of their information ‘hubs’ on Potter Heigham Staithe.

22.0 Future Meeting (All)

Agreed: Monday 24th February at 10.30 am

Agreed: DC will check on the availability of the Victory Hall, Neatishead.

DC thanked everyone for their attendance, and the meeting closed at 11.59 am

Spring Newsletter

Latest Newsletter

The River Thurne Tenants Association Spring Newsletter 2024

A belated Happy New Year to all RTTA Members. Where do I begin? This winter has been a particularly challenging one for those of us that have properties on the River Thurne. We have experienced the longest spell with the highest tides imaginable. Certainly, in my 35 years of owning a bungalow, this has been the worst spell of flooding I have seen. And others with much longer memories cannot remember such extreme conditions. Paths and properties have been flooded. Water has over topped into the marshes at numerous places, many hectares of marsh has been underwater, invertebrates and no doubt small mammals have perished, the crest of the flood bank has become a mud bath and the Bridge Car park garages have been flooded for the first time ever. The situation has brought economic difficulties too for boatyards, businesses and for holiday lettings along the Thurne. Boatyards owners have been unable to work, shops have been closed, especially Nippy Chippy that has lost at least 30% trade due to being closed, bungalow lettings and day boat hire have been cancelled. Even Louise has been unable to continue normal pump out and rubbish collection services due to the inability of passing under Potter Bridge. Martham boatyard has affected as they have been unable to get their wooden cruisers through the bridge, where does that leave their business?

Many of us, over the years, have had our buildings ‘lifted’ above what we thought were the highest tides, but this year some of us have found that our buildings are no longer safe from extreme tides. So much has been speculated and discussed on the causes of these prolonged tides, The Herring Bridge, dredging, pumping of fields and marshes into the river etc. Everyone wants to blame someone but as it appears that as we have had more rain the reason for the flooding situation may just be too much water! For instance, February 2024 was an exceptionally wet month with nearly all hydrological areas in East Anglia recording the highest February rainfall totals on record (1871 to present) for those areas. (Source EA, Water Situation). Newspaper articles highlighted our rainfall situation during the winter.’ A Local farmer. Alistair Wright logged 1047.4mm of rainfall at Church Farm, Stalham, last year - 127.2mm more than the previous record of 920.24mm in 1987. It follows the farm's wettest October for half a century, when a total of 270mm was recorded. Since his late father, Nigel started keeping rainfall records in 1971, the 30-year average rainfall at Church Farm has been 696.24mm.’ Four members of your RTTA committee attended the Flooding Meeting at Hickling Barn organised by Local MP Duncan Baker back at the beginning of February. This meeting brought together representatives from Anglian Water, Inland Drainage Board, Environment Agency and also Henry Cator, chairman of the Norfolk Strategic Flooding Alliance. (Henry Cator advocated for a government post responsible for flooding and coastal communities.) There was a full Hall and many local villages and organisations had their chance to ask questions and put their points to those organisations. The RTTA posted a link to Duncan Baker’s Facebook page so that members could follow the discussion from afar. The RTTA also posted the Minutes of the meeting. Although there was an active and lively discussion it remains to be seen what results and actions come out of this initiative and what impact it has on future flooding problems. At our RTTA February meeting Paul Mathews (MLI, Dip LA (Hons), an RTTA member, joined our committee meeting and gave us his views on the Flooding situation. Paul is a retired Landscape Architect and Environmental Planner. He was director and MD of an independent practice of environmental planners, landscape architects, scientists, ecologists, urban designers and arboriculturists. He worked across England and Southern Ireland on numerous projects from national level guidance (PPGs and SUDS) to district planning policy /SPGs, from new towns, city wide plans to local village plans and included clients such as Environment Agency, Broads Authority, County and District Councils, Anglian Water, Port and Haven Authorities, Government Ministries for transport, development planning and defence.

Paul’s views on the Flooding were sent to members via Mailchimp a couple of weeks ago. However, if an individual member did not receive them then please email your chairman on and these will be emailed.

After almost four months of high water, the last week has finally seen water levels fall. However, after the many weeks of flooding there are a number of questions in all our minds. Will the last autumn and winter water levels be the ‘new normal’? Will we be able to use our bungalows next winter? Will the past flooding affect prices of our properties? Unfortunately, we do not know what the future will hold for the Thurne Bungalows. There are certainly a few bungalows that will be coming onto the market after this winter and there are a number for sale at the moment that have been advertised for much of last year and haven’t sold yet. So, watch this space.

We are now 3 months into 2024, and the Spring Equinox with longer days approaches.

Let’s hope that in our quiet corner of Norfolk, we can find some calm and normality in the chaos that surrounds us. Welcome to all new bungalow and plot owners along the River Thurne. Not so many bungalows have changed hands during the last year but prices for non-residential ‘wooden sheds’ remain relatively high.

When you buy your mooring or bungalow you automatically become members of the RTTA. Membership is free to all. The RTTA tries to keep everyone updated with what goes on along the Thurne riverbank. As far as we can establish the RTTA was established in 1948, making this our 76 th year. Fingers crossed for a great year.

Hopefully as Spring arrives it bring calm, sunny days, and we can get back to our special places by the river.

2023/24 Committee: The committee has representatives from each of the four riverbanks. If you have an issue that you want advice or guidance with, we will do our best to help you. The 8 members this year are Chairman, Di Cornell (PH64), Hon. Secretary Fraser Brown (PH22), Hon Treasurer Alan McKechnie (PH30), Keith Bacon (Riverside Holidays Ltd), Lesley Hayward (R80), Harry May (PH33 and Maycraft), Roger Pike (M15), and Alan Wright (M48B). We have four RTTA Committee vacancies so we welcome anyone wishing to join our merry band. We understand how difficult it is to find volunteers but being an RTTA committee member really isn’t hard. There is no interview and we only meet 4 times a year, so hardly demanding. If you want to join us or just come along and see what we do please contact us. The Chairman can be contacted on Tel 01692 670754 or RTTA members are welcome at our committee meetings at Neatishead New Victory Hall to observe and hear what is being discussed.

Potter Heigham Old Bridge. Potter Bridge is now back open! We continue to get vehicles heavier than 7.5 tonnes crossing it. Saunders buses no longer cross but turn round in Lathams Car Park. Thanks to them.

RTTA AGM: The RTTA Annual General Meeting took place at the end of October. Many thanks to those RTTA Members who stayed after the TBMC Meeting.

RTTA End of Season Dinner. On the evening of our AGM 40 of us met at The Boathouse, Ormesby Broad. It was a ‘Jolly Gathering’ with much chatter, laughter and great food. Thanks to all who supported the Event and no doubt we will be back again, if not this year then at some time in the near future. At the end of the evening some of us returning to our bungalows realised that the water had risen and wellies were needed to get ‘home’. If any member could recommend another hostelry with great food at a good price, that has room for us all, please let us know. We like to support local establishments close to the riverbank.

RTTA 2024 Calendar: In 2023 we produced another vintage Calendar, which proved a real winner last year. In all we sold 75 calendars and the profit from these has boosted the RTTA funds by about £200. Thanks to all of 3 you who bought one or more calendar and we hope that you are using them now! Keep taking those photos of the Thurne throughout this year and maybe another Calendar for 2025. Or another Vintage one.?We have had other suggestions for subjects of next years calendars including Characters of the River Thurne. Now there’s a thought!

Litter Pick 2024. Last year’s Litter Pick was well attended with volunteers from local anglers, Potter Heigham Village, local councillors, the Broads Authority and of course RTTA Members. At our February RTTA meeting it was decided that we couldn’t as yet organise a Litter Pick pre Easter. With most paths and banks underwater, it seemed irresponsible to try and walk the riverbanks, roadways and car parks with such unpleasant conditions. We are hoping to hold a Litter Pick after Easter, Pre Whitsun, when the banks and paths are drier and safer for activities. WATCH THIS SPACE.

RTTA Spring Social. 2024. There will be no Spring Social in 2024. In 2022 and 2023 the RTTA tried to organise Spring socials but due to the small numbers wishing to participate the RTTA has decided not to organise anything this year. This doesn’t preclude any other member wanting to find a venue and advertise a get together.

Old Bridge Inn Car Parking. This car park will again be available for seasonal or weekly parking as in previous years. RTTA will be leasing the park for the coming season. If you would like a space or further information, please contact Keith Bacon (Riverside Holidays Ltd) as soon as you can to reserve a space. The seasonal rent is £290 per car. Keith is also able to negotiate monthly/weekly rental too if you contact him. Weekly between £10 to £35 , depending on the time of year. Please contact Keith on 01692 580496/ mob 07833446962, or email at: Lathams are now charging £600 per annum for parking. The car park by The Nippy Chippy is presently at £365 per annum.

At present the RTTA still has use of the Old Bridge Inn Car Park, but plans submitted to the Broads Authority for twelve holiday flats, parking and a small restaurant on the Old Bridge Inn site are still active. These were refused but an Appeal for this plan has been sent to the Planning Inspector. This is an ongoing situation. If plans are approved, RTTA will no longer have this area for parking. The RTTA and Riverside Holidays have both benefited from being able to use this area for RTTA members’ and bungalow hirers’ parking. Once the site is developed, parking will again become a real problem for bungalow owners and visitors.

Thurne Bungalows for Sale: Limited bungalows have changed hands in 2023 and your chairman doesn’t have anyone on ‘the list’ seeking a bungalow. I have been contacted by a few bungalow owners wishing to sell but at the moment I do not have customers waiting. At present, mid-March, we have 7 properties on the market and a boatshed. The properties on Potter bank are £325K, (A lease) £250K (A): Repps Bank £395 (A) £225K (A), £2225K,(A): Ludham Bank £365K, Repps £240 (B lease)and a boatshed on the Potter Bank for £175K. Quite a range of prices. One purchase is progressing, so that bungalow has not been included in the list.

Enfranchisement. The EA has informed RTTA that 17 leaseholders have applied to the Environment Agency to purchase the lease of their Bungalow and plot. Before Christmas, during the height of the flooding, the EA spent time looking at the 17 bungalows. Earlier this year an EA external Valuer arrived at the river to inspect the inside of some of these bungalows and to value them. The RTTA’s understanding that to date the EA has responded via their external solicitor to the 17 leaseholders on their initial request to purchase their leasehold.

Dredging dykes and Quayheading. Here is an updated list of those contractors willing and able to work along the River Thurne.

Daniel Bricknell Norfolk Quayheading 01603 784 997

Daniel Roe DRE (Marine and Civils) 07717 672 150

G&H Services 01493 384 093 or 01692 671, mobiles 07979 967 593 or 07795 564 896

Paul Wade. AJS Riverside Maintenance 07471 760258

Recycling on the Thurne: The RTTA encourages all bungalow owners, guests and hirers to recycle as much as possible. Some bungalow owners who let their properties already provide a separate bin inside for card, paper, bottles and cans. Perhaps other RTTA members could do that. These can then be taken to the nearest recycling point at the end of the holiday period. Bottles can be recycled at The Falgate, Potter Heigham and Repps Village Hall. Paper, card and clothes can be recycled at Potter Heigham recreation ground close to the village hall. A Clothing bank can be found by Lathams or Potter Post Office. At Martham Co-op bottles, paper, clothing and shoes can be recycled. Catfield Village Hall also has clothing, bottle and paper banks. Other sites can be found on RTTA website under Recycling. Please take your recycling items to a nearby site.

Rubbish Collection by Louise. This winter has been a really difficult one for Phil and his crew on Louise. Sometimes the tides have been so high that passage under the Bridge with Louise has been impossible. This has meant that for the few bungalow owners on the river over winter, both rubbish, and on the South Banks effluent collection, has been impossible. Phil has not been deterred and has kept an eye on the water levels and returned to the river when he considers it possible to empty cess pits. The Thurne Riverbank community are lucky to have Phil and the RDS team operating Louise for us. We thank him for his efforts and continued excellent service.

Just a reminder to all and especially to new members, who may not know the details of our collections. Once collected by RDS our rubbish from both sides of the river is collected and transported away by a NNDC contracted Waste Collection Service. The rubbish placed in the black bags should be domestic rubbish only. NOT building refuse or PAINT or Hazardous waste. There have been incidents when paint cans were placed in the black bags and whilst the bags were being crushed the tins exploded and covered the NNDC operatives with paint, also the inside of the vehicle. Full paint tins are not allowed to be collected at Local NNDC or GYBC waste sites either.

Please make sure that all your weekly rubbish is placed in the black bin liners provided by RDS and are tied before collection (presently on a Thursday). Rubbish should not just be placed in your rubbish bin without being placed in a black liner. More updates on Collections by Louise can be found on Thurne Bungalows - Thurne Bungalows Management Co Ltd ( When ordering pump out please contact the TBMC Managing Agent, Dan Trett, on Trett Phillips estate agents have recently been acquired by Minors and Brady Estate Agents but the email still takes you to Dan.

If you wish to have personal items of furniture, electrical goods etc disposed of then Phil of RDS has a waste collectors’ licence and can pick up your waste for an agreed fee. You can contact Phil on 07780 356 315. You can also use this number when ordering emergency pump outs which Phil will do for the stated fee (see TBMC website).

Flooding: Paul Rice and George Elliot (Ludham Bridge Boatyard) are continuing to collect information on flooding which is being sent to the Environment Agency. Paul is a Trustee of the Broads Society (BS). Any information that a RTTA member may have on recent flooding, videos, recorded flooding levels, flooding on their plots etc. can be sent to the Broads Society at or Paul on

Broadland Futures Initiatives: On a similar theme, the Environment Agency has set up an initiative to look at managing coastal and inland flooding. This will involve any organisation responsible for managing flooding. The main aim of the initiative is to agree a framework for future flood risk management. One area being considered includes the Thurne Valley. More can be found online at Broadland Futures Initiative (broads- 5 Please take time to look carefully at this, as any decisions made will affect our riverbank properties. Newsletters and Minutes of meetings can be found using that link.

Contacting the Broads Authority / Broads Beat PC Paul Bassham, Broads Beat, Norfolk Constabulary.Ring 101 ext 1235 or 1236 or email Or contact (North Walsham). To contact the Broads Rangers to report an incident, you can phone Broads Control on 01603 756056, VHF channel 12 or email

The Broads Society: Some RTTA Members are already committed to helping the Broads as members of the Broads Society. Since 1956 this is the only organisation dedicated to the protection of all aspects of the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads. Members receive a quarterly 48-page magazine filled with articles, pictures, news and updates about the Broads. As a member you can join the Broadsword team helping maintain the riverbank landscape too. Individual membership is £16. Please consider joining. See the Broads Society website: (

Website Potter Heigham Parish Council: The Parish Councils website is informative and minutes of meetings, local news and initiatives etc are posted there. You can find it on Other information on the village is on the Potter Heigham Village website. (Village | Potter Heigham Village) Repps Parish Council. Information can be found here Repps with Bastwick Parish Council | Serving our Community in Norfolk (

RTTA Website: Information about RTTA meetings, traders, emergency information, maps, updates, etc, can be found on If any member has any other ‘Trusted’ Traders you would like to recommend please contact the Chairman who will liaise with the Webmaster to add them to our list.

RTTA Facebook Page: This continues to be a fast, efficient way of sending information or when posting queries. Not everyone wants to use social media but it remains a quick and effective way of contacting others, selling surplus items and posting information. Please make sure posts are relevant to the River Thurne and its members. Personal posts on family visits, folks’ holidays, houses, and such like should be saved for owners own Facebook pages. Please keep this Private site relevant. Thanks.

Norfolk Boat Jumble 2024. This takes place at the Norfolk Showground (NR5 0TT) on Sunday 14th April. It’s the 30th Anniversary of The Norfolk Boat Jumble 2024. The event runs from 10am to and there is always a large crowd of eager buyers and sellers. There are always bargains to be found. You can also sell any surplus boats or boating jumble. Admission is £5 Established in 1994, it provides an opportunity for the public to access exhibitors selling marine goods. The event features a good mix of professional trade stands and car booters offering a wide variety of boats and equipment. From small craft to fenders, outboard engines, ropes, marine salvage, seating, nets, oars, paints, glues, and everything in between, you’ll find a treasure trove of nautical items. Whether you’re a seasoned boater or just curious, it’s a great place to explore and grab a bargain. For info see

The Museum of the Broads, Poors Staithe, Stalham, NR12 9DA. For those of you new to the Riverbank, or even older members, it’s worthwhile looking to see what is happening at the Museum. You can check out their website This year there is an exhibition of the Paintings of Phillipa Miller, Broadland artist and also a new display on Peat!! They Museum also runs a Boat Jumble, this year Saturday 11th May 9.30am to 12.30pm. £2 admission. Contact the Museum if you wish to have a stall. Phone: 01692 581681 Email:

The RTTA would like to thank all businesses who regularly sponsor this newsletter or our website. These include Riverside Holidays, Maycraft Private Owners, G & H Riverside Contractors and Martin of EWS. 6

The RTTA Committee wish all members a happy and healthy 2024 and we all hope you get out on the River Thurne once again in the near future and enjoy your property.

PLEASE MAKE SURE WE HAVE YOUR CORRECT CONTACT DETAILS. If in doubt please email them to your chairman on

Historical Minutes and Documents

Previous committee meeting minutes